How long does it take to build a new home?

How long does it take to build a new home?

Posted: Sunday 23rd June 2024

How long does it take to build a new home?

Looking at buying a house can be a daunting task. Especially when you are faced with a choice between pre-existing properties and new build houses. Being aware of the timelines involved in both is a key part of making your decision and there is an assumption that buying a new build will take longer. However, that isn't always true.

From the groundwork to your very own walk-through, let's explore the new build journey and the timeline involved.

Stage 1: Planning & Permits – 1 to 2 months

The first stage involves planning and obtaining permits, a process handled by the developer. During this phase, architects and engineers turn dream homes into blueprints, and builders secure the necessary permits and conduct essential utility and amenity checks. As a buyer, you might not even be aware of these behind-the-scenes activities.

Stage 2: Site Preparation & Foundation – 1 to 2 months

Stage two looks at site preparations and foundations. Once the plans are in place and permits secured, it's time to break ground as the builders would say. This involves clean up processes such as trees being cleared, rock removals, and the site being levelled.

After the important preparation has been done, the foundation can be laid. This could be anything from outlining initial floor plans to laying slabs or pouring concrete. This stage is where the newly built houses become more than a drawing or rendered image.

Stage 3: Framing & Exterior Finishes – 1 to 2 months

Stage three is where the house begins to look like a house and you'll see the bones of your new home start to really take shape. The walls, roof trusses, and sheathing are installed. Windows and doors are put into place, and the exterior walls are insulated and covered with a protective barrier.

Stage 4: Interior Setup & Inspections – 2 to 4 months

Stage four is when you can start to get excited about your new home. This is because it's when you'll gain the first insights into what your house looks like on the inside. From things like plumbing, heating and ventilation to drywall and insulation – your developer will have all the components ready to build your dream home.

Once these are in place, your house undergoes a series of rigorous inspections to ensure everything is up to code. While this phase might seem lengthy, especially if you were there on day one of the build process, it's a necessary one.

Stage 5: Interior Finishes & Landscaping – 1 to 2 months

This is when your house starts to feel like a home. Walls are painted, flooring is laid, and fixtures and appliances are installed.

This is normally the stage where you can start personalising your home. You will have the choice of a selection of finishes, choose your fittings, and other factors that make it your home. Each developer will have a set list of personalisations you can carry out on the property while it is being built. Be sure to check with them about what you can or can't change.

Stage 6: Final Walkthrough & Handover – 1 to 2 weeks

We've reached the end of your new build journey. Before handing over the keys, the builders will walk you through your home, explaining the various systems and components. This provides you with the opportunity to ask any questions and point out any snagging issues you may notice. Once the builder addresses these concerns, the keys are yours.

All in all, the journey to building your new home can take anywhere from 9 to 18 months if you have been there from the beginning. . It is essential that you ask your developer what stage they are at when you put an offer in on the house you want to buy. This will enable you to make the right decisions and plan moving forward.

With so many different factors that will affect the time frame, buying a new build can feel daunting so it's important to choose a developer you feel comfortable with. At Foreman Homes, our Sales team are dedicated to making the process as seamless as possible for you – why not stop by one of our show homes and say hello today?